Mine Heritage
Historical Mining – tracing and learning from ancient materials and mining Technology
Objectives of the project:
The objective of the proposal on Historical Mining is to develop a comprehensive picture of Mining and Raw Materials since prehistory, linking regions to historical and contemporaneous social strategies of work and technological developments.
- Engaging dissemination approaches to cross-generational target audiences on mining and raw materials as a unifying common ground for Europe through an historical perspective.
- Promote synergies with other actors such as Schools, Museums, Local Administration and Mining Companies.
- Society involvement in Raw Materials and Mining through knowledge.
- Building multicultural bridges between different regions in Europe.
- Stimulate the debate on Environmental Sustainability in Mining and Raw Materials.
- Development and execution of popular science materials and related events.
- Other KIC activities
Concept and approach:
- Collection of MineHeritage Sites in common Database
- Creation of Popular Science Material (Videos, Booklets)
- Creation of 3D Models
- Development of App incl. Game
- Dissemination activities towards Wider Society
Research expertise:
- Historical Mining
- Material development
- Target group based communication
- Dissemination
Bothe-Fiekert, Mareike; Freienberg, Einar; Binder, Angela (2021): Upper Harz Water Regale - Germany. Available online at https://youtu.be/-_6TKtjNKsY, checked on 3/16/2022.
Bothe-Fiekert, Mareike; Binder, Angela (2021): 500 Jahre Bergfreiheit. 500 years Right of Mining. "Die Örter da sich Bergwerck eräuget, sonderlich privilegieren…". MineHeritage (Historical Mining – Tracing and Learning From Ancient Materials and Mining Technology, 3). Available online at mineheritage-project.eu/rest/booklet/26060001, checked on 2/15/2021.
Bothe-Fiekert, Mareike; Binder, Angela; Hutwalker, Alexander (2021): Upper Harz Water Regale - Germany. Mareike Bothe-Fiekert (Director). Available online at youtu.be/6a1LL9PNiTU, checked on 2/15/2022.
Bothe-Fiekert, Mareike; Freienberg, Einar; Binder, Angela (2021): Das Oberharzer Wasserregal um Clausthal. Upper Harz Water Regale around Clausthal. MineHeritage (Historical Mining – Tracing and Learning From Ancient Materials and Mining Technology, 4). Available online at mineheritage-project.eu/rest/booklet/42000003, checked on 2/15/2021.
Nurfitriyani, Atika; Binder, Angela; Hutwalker, Alexander (2021): Kaiser Wilhelm Schacht / Emperor Wilhelm Shaft – Clausthal, Germany. Historical Mining – Tracing and Learning From Ancient Materials and Mining Technology. Atika Nurfitriyani (Director). Available online at youtu.be/mCGon9sreow, checked on 2/15/2022.
Binder, Angela; Hutwalker, Alexander (2020): Emperor-Wilhelm-Shaft in Clausthal. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Schacht in Clausthal. MineHeritage (Historical Mining – Tracing and Learning From Ancient Materials and Mining Technology, 2). Available online at mineheritage-project.eu/rest/booklet/38070001, checked on 2/15/2021.
Binder, Angela; Hutwalker, Alexander (2019): Mining Museums in the Harz. Bergbaumuseen im Harz. MineHeritage (Historical Mining – Tracing and Learning From Ancient Materials and Mining Technology, 1). Available online at mineheritage.appspot.com/rest/booklet/16030001, checked on 4/3/2020.
Leitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Langefeld
Laufzeit: 2019 bis 2021
Bearbeitung: Angela Binder, M.Sc.; Dr.-Ing. Alexander Hutwalker; Mareike Bothe-Fiekert, M.Sc.; Clif Gekonde, M.Sc.; Atika Nurfitriyani, B.Sc.; Yichen Jiang, B.Sc.; Einar Freienberg; Ali Abo Hamoud und Tori
Forschungsstandort: Oberharz
Projekthomepage: MineHeritage
Förderkennzeichen: KAVA Nr. 18111
